Archive | December, 2009

New Year’s Resolutions…

29 Dec

As the year 2009 comes to a close, I find myself again making resolutions for the new year… only this year, I’ve got questions before I make them.  While I don’t ask these questions of anyone in particular, my self-discovery reading has given them rise.  Here goes:

1. If what we think and believe determines where we are in life, why am I not financially abundant?  I purposefully set in my mind the concept of ultimate prosperity during 2009, and along the lines of “The Secret” envisioned it, breathed it, wished it, felt it, and truly anticipated its manifestation for months. (Thankfully I did not spend the money before I had it in hand).  While I realize that proponents and writers of “The Secret” say that you cannot set the timeframe in which the universe will deliver to your thoughts, I’m wondering how much longer I need to wait. 

2. Can resolutions be made for things that are outside our control or which depend on the behavior of others? For example, if my resolution is to earn more money or attract love into my life in 2010 – can I truly deliver on the resolution when the result depends on the involvement of other(s) outside of myself alone?  Should we abandon resolutions if we cannot achieve them on our own?

3. What is reasonable to set as an achievable resolution?  I resolve every year to lose 20 pounds and yet even when I exercise, diet, refrain from fast foods, I seem to remain at the same weight or even gain a couple of pounds. Perhaps this is because I don’t NEED to lose weight (I just want to) and therefore, even with focus, doing the right things, and commitment, sometimes resolutions fail.  Should I alter my resolution or simply stop eating all together?

4. Is it better to make lots of resolutions so that we can enjoy some success, or make a couple of big ones that really matter? There is a mixed opinion on the internet about this. Some “experts” purport to making lots of realistic resolutions so that at least some level of success is attained, which in turn will inspire further success.  Other “experts” say that this is folly and frivolous – it is better to concentrate on those issues that will cause you to achieve more success in one aspect of your life.

Meanwhile, I’ve decided that instead of making resolutions, maybe I’ll do something different at year’s end. Based on the lunar eclipse on Dec 31, 2009, it’s a good time to make a list of all that I want to rid my life of (anything beginning with an Ex!), excess debt, excess weight, excess negativity, X anything!  AND, based on the solar eclipse coming on Jan 21, 2010 I’ll make a similar list of everything I want to attract into my life in 2010.  That way, I’ll eliminate the negative influences from my  life as the year comes to a close, and attract positive influences in once the year is underway.  Or at least that seems to skirt the questions I’ve got about resolutions, and replace the old ways of making resolutions with something new. And after all, something new and positive should be what the new year is really all about anyways!!!

Happy new year to you and yours! May 2010 be YOUR year to shine, thrive, be healthy, safe, and prosperous!



Carol Dekkers, Software Measurement and Global Software Development expert, author, speaker. Want to engage Carol to be a speaker at your next event? Email Ms. Dekkers at or or visit for details.

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