Tag Archives: Dream

Never too Late…

30 Apr

I find it amazing that we measure what we do in life in time blocks – justifying our inaction by how much time the action might take.  “I can’t go to school – it will take four years,” is a popular lament amongst high school graduates eager to make their fortune.  Parents, however, lament how a year off before entering college is folly that will keep their kid from ever returning to full time study.

The truth is that no matter what we do (or do not do) in life, time ticks on…. four years will go by no matter if the student goes to college or works.

The fact that time marches on regardless of and in spite of our plans, hesitations, and need to “get ready” for the right time to act ‘should be’ impetus enough to get us moving.  There will never be a better time (for anything) than the present because it is the only guarantee in life. We cannot change the past (it’s gone) or the future (we have no control over what WILL happen), but we do have the present!

It is never too late to do anything as long as you start whatever it is you want to do, now!  It is never too late to return to school, to renew contact with old friends, to contact a lost love, to get a new job, to make amends, to act!  While certain physical dreams (such as being an Olympic figure skater at age 50) may be physically impossible, it is never too late to scale back a dream and make headway (i.e., take up figure skating now.) More typically we invent the artificial obstacles to prevent our own success and keep ourselves from trying something new (which can be scary!)

What better time than today to consider taking a small step towards a big dream – even if the dream started decades ago?

What do you have in your dream chest that deserves to be started today?  What’s stopping you?  Remember if it is something that might take you 5 years – the time will go by regardless so why not move in the direction of your dreams?  If you do not, in five years you will be in exactly the same place as you are today – just five years behind on your dream.

It truly is never too late if you just take one small step – today. What do YOU want to start while it is never too late – today?


Can all our dreams come true?

6 Feb

Readers of this blog know that I adhere to don Miguel Ruiz’s “The Four Agreements” (search in the blog for past posts on this topic) and I found the following quote to be of special interest:

Our dreams overlap and we each dream a part of the entire dream, the dream of the planet, which is made by the projection of billions of dreams. – don Miguel Ruiz

While Ruiz talks about our reality being the manifestation and interpretation of our mind, and tells us that we are all always living in a world that our mind “dreams”, I consider that what we seek to become (traditionally thought of as our goals or our “dreams of the future”) are part of our personal dream.

Along these same lines is The Law of Attraction (what you wish will come true if you really believe it) which gained popularity as a book/CD/DVD called The Secret.

The basic premise of the Law of Attraction is this:  What you dream/envision/truly desire in your mind’s eye will manifest itself in your life – and all you have to do is put your goals out to the universe and watch them unfold before your very eyes.

So, my question is this:  if each of us individually has a dream for our life (love, prosperity, wisdom, health, etc) and we truly believe in it, what happens if these dreams collide or compete with those of others all vying for attention and fruition from the “universe”?

Is this hokey?  What do you think?  Can your mind manifest the future?  If I envision a future of my dream job/career, living in a place of great natural beauty, in fine health, and surrounded by wondrous people who accept me unconditionally – is yearning for it enough to make it come true? Call me cynical but I just do not understand how the billions of dreams in the world (with conflicting goals and often at odds with each other) can all come true.

What do you think?

Have a great week,
