Intuition… my Everyday GPS

25 Oct
Navstar-2F satellite of the Global Positioning...

Image via Wikipedia

I have a portable Global Positioning System (GPS) that is a godsend when I’m driving in an area I don’t know well. It comes in especially handy when I’m in a new city with a rental car.  How I ever got anywhere without one I’ll never know! My “Tom-Tom” device takes the stress out of driving – even when it occasionally has a glitch and gets itself (and me) lost.

Magic 8 BallIn everyday life, I used to yearn for a GPS type of guidance from an early age.  As a teen, I remember the low techMagic 8 Ball“.  It was a bowling ball type of toy that had a geometric dice-like piece in its water-filled base that contained answers on each side like “Absolutely”, “It depends” or some other random response.  I remember asking my Magic 8 Ball questions about how to dress, who to be friends with, and which decision to make.  Somehow, asking the Magic 8 Ball for answers to childhood problems gave us solace.  Today, as a divorced, mother of two adult children, I’d like to have a Magic 8 Ball!

In the past, I’ve wished that I had a GPS to give me answers about reaching my goals, expanding my client base, improving my finances, supporting my kids, and figuring out who to trust.  In my former married life, answers invariably came by way of a husband who knew best, overzealous friends, well-meaning parents, and others, always professing that they knew better than I what I was best for me. I naively allowed their zeal and expert opinions to override my intuition and wisdom. After years of being beaten down, I silenced my inner voice in lieu of this external GPS guidance.  I ended up doubting what my intuition and feelings told me in favor of pleasing others and lost the wisdom of my intuition.

Today, I know that I have my own GPS that intelligently guides me through the pathways of life.  It’s a GPS made up of my intuition, my feelings, and my wisdom gained from experience.  And I’ve always had it within reach!  Incredibly, I gave up my power to others who told me that my GPS was flawed, and through the passage of time, I actually gave up on it.

It is an awesome thing to realize that my GPS is and always was in top working condition!  My perception of life and those around me is as valid as the next guy’s – and it always was!  All I need to do is to silence the voices outside, and listen through the calm to my intuition and wisdom, and the answers come!

If you haven’t yet discovered your internal GPS or if you’ve allowed someone else to tell you “what is” or how you should feel, let me tell you how exhilarating it is when you rediscover your internal GPS!  When you again listen to your inner voice and allow your intuition to guide your decisions, it is an amazing feeling of freedom and clarity. Once free, you’ll never give up your power to anyone else again.

I still don’t have all the answers, but now that I rely on my inner GPS, I no longer feel lost.

Wishing you a happy and well-directed week!



One Response to “Intuition… my Everyday GPS”


  1. World Spinner - Monday, October 25, 2010

    Intuition… my Everyday GPS « The Dekkers Report……

    Here at World Spinner we are debating the same thing……


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